
Energy Models

To support decisions about our energy systems, we must make quantitative estimates in systems that are too complex to gather complete information.

Accuracy and Communication

Your models should be computed in a way that makes it more likely for you to arrive at the correct answer.

When you present your models to someone else, they should be presented in a way that is most likely for your audience to understand quickly.

These methods may not be the same, but it will be more efficient if they are at least close.

Gasoline Usage in the United States

Imagine that we did not have the US Energy Information Administration compiling statistics of gasoline usage. If we needed to make an estimate of gasoline usage to support a decision about the speed limit of fuel consumption how would we make it?

Carbon Intensity of Electricity

These are averages for electricity power plants.

Fuel Source

Carbon Intensity


2249 lb CO2/MWh

Natural Gas

1135 lb CO2/MWh

Proposed EPA Limit

~ 1100 lb CO2/MWh

Last updated

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