
There are several metrics by which we quantify the benefits of a proposed energy technology.


  • Economics is often the deciding factor for many energy decisions.

Central questions

  • How much does something cost per unit of use?

  • What does your car cost per mile?

  • What does your phone cost per minute of use?

  • Which is cheaper, buying a more efficient product or paying the extra energy?

  • How does this answer change if we add a carbon tax?

Life-cycle assessment

The analysis of all costs, benefits, and impacts over the entire lifetime of a product.

Cost of conserved energy

  • How much does it cost to save energy?

  • You can purchase energy

  • You can purchase a device that "buys" you that energy

Conserved Cost of Energy

  • Has dimensions of cost per unit of energy

Simple definition

CCE=InvestmentEnergy SavingsCCE = \frac{\textrm{Investment}}{\textrm{Energy Savings}}

Conserved Cost of Energy

  • For long term investments, we do this for a year at a time

$$ CCE = \frac{\textrm{Annual Investment}}{\textrm{Annual Energy Savings}}

## Cost of avoided carbon - Allows you to calculate the value of an investment as the cost per amount of carbon not emitted - Allows comparison with the current market price of carbon $$ CCE = \frac{\textrm{Investment}}{\textrm{Carbon Savings}}

Lifetime Energy

  • Most energy devices (lights, cars) have both recurring energy costs

    and initial energy costs

  • Recurring energy: electricity to emit light or gasoline to drive

  • Initial energy: energy to manufacture the bulb or the car

Levelized energy use

  • We can estimate the energy per unit of light or mile driven by

  • Adding energy over the life of the device

  • Dividing the energy by the amount of use over the device

  • Dimensions of energy per unit of use (hours light, miles driven)

Energy Return on Investment (EROI)

  • EROI=EoEiEROI = \frac{E_o}{E_i}

  • This is the ratio of the energy out for a product divided by the energy in to get that energy.

  • It should be greater than one to be useful.

Payback Time

  • How long will it take for an investment to pay back the initial cost in energy savings?

Further Reading

Last updated

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