Time Value of Money
Learning Objectives
Calculate equivalent sums of money using discount rates
Able to use the internal rate of return (IRR) to quantify an energy investment
Able to use the capital recovery function (CRF) to estimate a loan
Time Value of Money
Equivalence and Comparison Principle
Net Present Value (NPV)
Future Value
Discount rate
Interest rate
Equivalence principle
Given a choice between money now and money later, most demand a larger value at a later date
When someone is indifferent between sum 1 now and sum 2 at a fixed later date, the sums are considered equivalent
This equivalence can be expressed using a discount rate
Equivalence principle as unit conversion
You can think of using the discount rate as a unit conversion where you have units of dollars now and units of dollars in the future
The equals sign in this case signifies the indifference of a consumer or an investor.
However, our unit conversion is based on a more complicated model than a usual unit conversion.
Discount rate vs. Interest rate
Discount rate usually refers to personal preferences
Interest rate is usually a real rate charged by a bank
Mathematical Model
In both the case of a discount rate and an interest rate, we use an exponential model. Our inflation calculations that assume a constant inflation rate also use an exponential model.
There is some controversy over the use of this discount rate model in climate change discussions.
David Roberts has an entertaining article on this topic.
Monthly vs. Yearly interest rates
Many types of loans advertise a yearly interest rate, but charge
interest monthly.
The yearly interest rate is the APR or annual percentage rate
To find the monthly rate divide this by twelve
$i$ is the annual percentage rate
$n$ is the number of periods in months
Cash flow diagrams

Internal Rate of Return
Tells us at what interest rate a cash flow has a net present value of
We will look at this on a spreadsheet
This doesn't have a closed-form solution
Usually solved by a computer
Finding the IRR is the equivalent of asking, here is a loan and payments, what was the interest rate you got?
The cost of goods usually rises over time
This rate is monitored by the Consumer Price Index
As prices rise, the value of money decreases
$r_0$ is the effective rate of interest
$r$ is the nominal rate of interest
$f$ is the inflation rate
For small inflation rates,
Discount Rate and Net Present Value
Present Value Notation
Single payment
Stream of payments
Compact notation
NPV Spreadsheet Example
Excel considers first value in the NPV function to be year 1
Capital Recovery Function
Capital Recovery Factor
Suppose we make a loan. We want to know what the yearly payment is so that the present value of all payments is equal to the loan amount.
This formula allows us to calculate this payment.
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