Heating and Cooling Degree Days
Heating and Cooling Degree Days
Heating Degree Days
Cooling Degree Days
UA Product
Balance Point
Base Temperature
California Climate Zones
Typical Meteorological Year (Synthesized Data)
Historical Data
Heating and Cooling Degree Days
These metrics provide a simple way to distill a year's worth of temperature data to a single number that is useful for energy estimations. We will see that the energy to heat and cool is proportional to the heating degree days (HDD) and cooling degree days (CDD) values.
UA Product
We recall that the UA product is the overall thermal conductance of the house telling us how much power must be applied to maintain a given temperature difference.
Selected UA Values
1500 square foot home
500 BTU/hr/F
7.7 BTU/sf/day/F
EFS Chapter 6
ETC walls only
150 W/K
Class Estimates
Balance Point
Any building has several internal sources of thermal energy. The lighting, occupants, and appliances all provide heat to the building. The balance point tells us what temperature difference the building will have between the outside temperature and the inside temperature without providing any energy from the heating system.
Base Temperature
This is the temperature we use to construct our temperature differences. It is related to the thermostat setting in the buildings.
California Climate Zones
California designates 16 climate zones and compiles data for them to aid in climate-aware building design.
PG&E maintains a training document detailing these zones.
Typical Meteorological Year (Synthesized Data)
Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) constructs a typical data set by taking the most typical month from the last several years and mixing them together in a data set.
Historical Data
These are the actual recorded data from weather stations that have been compiled for analysis.
Heating Degree Day Derivation
Recall that we can estimate the heat power for a structure's envelope if we know the UA value and the temperature difference between the inside and the outside.
Since the UA value doesn't change over time, we can write the UA outside of the sum.
The quantity in the sum is the degree days. Degree days are often tabulated using weather data and assumptions about the inside temperature of a building. We can also calculate degree day quantities if our assumptions are significantly different from the usual assumptions.
Heating Degree Day Calculations
The basic steps of a calculation are
Obtain time series of outside temperature and base temperature
Create temperature differences
Discard negative temperature differences
Sum temperature differences
You must of course ensure that your calculations respect units and dimensions.
HDD and CDD methods
Integration method
Uses high-resolution data to compute degree-days for each hour of day
Minimum--Maximum--Average approximations
Uses low resolution data that may only have high and low daily temperatures
Data Sources
Further Reading
Energy for Sustainability Chapter 6 Energy Efficiency for Buildings
Building Science, Pohl, Chapter 3 and 4
Last updated
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