Installation Guide
Lake Sentani Quick Start Guide
Create a GitHub account.
Create Dropbox account and download the data. Keep it somewhere near your repository that you set up.
Have email invitation sent from HipChat administrator to get into communication channel.
Download a GitHub Graphical Client (optional)
Fork repositories in dsoto that you want to contribute to: (optional)
Create your own sentani-labbook repository. This is where you will work on your own labbooks. NOTE: If you need help with this step that is normal and you should contact someone who has done this before (like Professor Soto or Sean).
Download Miniconda Mac OS X installation script.
Navigate to folder in which the download is located using Terminal. Enter the following command
Now run the script with the following command
Exit Terminal and reopen it.
Create your first conda environment named sentani
Accept the installation. Read an article or watch a funny video while it installs.
Your conda environment is intended to manage dependencies and keep all collaborators utilizing the same packages. Whenever you work on research, it is intended that you utilize the conda environment. Activate it with this command from Terminal.
If it activates correctly, you will see (sentani) to the left of your command prompt. You are now ready. Type the following command to begin using ipython-notebooks.
A kernel will begin in the terminal window and a webpage will open that represents your local machine's directory structure. Create new notebooks by pressing New and clicking Python 3.4.
Load the data using pandas. See an example of this in any labbook or codebook currently existent on GitHub.
Last updated
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